Schlieper & Pufleb

Alternative Moons, PC-008-170215


© Nadine Schlieper & Robert Pufleb

Nadine Schlieper & Robert Pufleb
Alternative Moons, PC-008-170215
29,7 x 21 cm
150€ incl. VAT
Editions: 51
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>> In their book "Alternative Moons" Robert Pufleb and Nadine Schlieper show us unknown moons with a precision we have never seen before. Many of them are littered with deep craters and ravines and grooves and pits. Often we also see terrae and mare, i.e. high and low plateaus, which remind us of our earth moon. Some moons are very bright and see as if covered by a layer of ice. Others have a surface destroyed as if they had been exposed to continuous meteorite fire. In the detailed photos we see Volcanic cones with sharp edges, which could be an indication of a rather young age of origin.

But what are these moons we see there? At any rate, their names sound very scientifically factual. PC-017-170217 for example. Or PC-052-170318. By far not as wonderfully mythical as Europa, Phobos, Io, Rhea, Titan, Ariel or Charon, to name but a few moons from our solar system. But in a sense, Pufleb's and Schlieper's moons are perhaps even more poetic. Because the PC in the name is not an abbreviation for a special telescope or a foreign solar system, but simply for "pancake". And if it still doesn't ring a bell: At the very end of their book, Pufleb and Schlieper tell us their very own personal pancake recipe. Dealing with fake news and alternative facts could hardly be more humorous and enjoyable. << Excerpt from: Damian Zimmermann "Alternative Moons" in: L.Fritz No. 6